Results for "AligNment"


  • FOGSAA: Fast Optimal Global Sequence Alignment Algorithm

    Sequence alignment algorithms are widely used to infer similarirty and the point of differences between pair of sequences. FOGSAA is a fast Global alignment algorithm. It is basically a branch and bound approach which starts branch expansion in a greedy way taking the symbols from the given pair ...

    Tags: FOGSAA, Fast, Optimal, Global, Sequence, Alignment, Algorithm

    2330 days ago

  • CrusView

    CrusView is a java based tool for karyotype/genome visualization and comparison of crucifer Species. It also integrates an binary version of KGBassembler and a post-modification step for its assembling result.

    Tags: CrusView, Plant, View, Visualization, See, Alignment

    2205 days ago

  • Parameters for accurate genome alignment #Alignment #Genome

    Tags: Alignment, Genome

    2204 days ago

  • BlasR Mapping single molecule sequencing reads using Basic Local Alignment with Successive Refinement (BLASR): Theory and Application,

    BLASR (Basic Local Alignment with Successive Refinement) for mapping Single Molecule Sequencing (SMS) reads that are thousands to tens of thousands of bases long with divergence between the read and genome dominated by insertion and deletion error. Here is how I use the blasr to align PacBio rea...

    Tags: Mapping, single, molecule, sequencing, reads, Basic, Local, Alignment, Successive, Refinement, BLASR

    2164 days ago

  • LSC: Improving PacBio Long Read Accuracy by Short Read Alignment

    Added Command line argument support. Multi-stage execution modes. Support for parallelization. Now execution proceeds in batches of long reads the size of which can be set by --long_read_batch_size N. Better compressed intermediate files. Added utilities folder. Added support for multiple ...

    Tags: LSC, Improve, correct, PacBio, Long, Read, Accuracy, Short, Read, Alignment

    2058 days ago

  • lordFAST: sensitive and Fast Alignment Search Tool for LOng noisy Read sequencing Data

    lordFAST is a sensitive tool for mapping long reads with high error rates. lordFAST is specially designed for aligning reads from PacBio sequencing technology but provides the user the ability to change alignment parameters depending on the reads and application. lordFAST, a novel long-read mapp...

    Tags: lordFAST, sensitive, Fast, Alignment, Search, Tool, LOng, noisy, Read, sequencing, Data

    1976 days ago

  • MACSE: Multiple Alignment of Coding SEquences Accounting for Frameshifts and Stop Codons

    MACSE aligns coding NT sequences with respect to their AA translation while allowing NT sequences to contain multiple frameshifts and/or stop codons. MACSE is hence the first automatic solution to align protein-coding gene datasets containing non-functional sequences (pseudogenes) without disrupt...

    Tags: MACSE, Multiple, Alignment, Coding, SEquences, Accounting, Frameshifts, Stop, Codons

    1893 days ago

  • Progressive alignment with Cactus: a multiple-genome aligner for the thousand-genome era #Alignment #Cactus

    Tags: Alignment, Cactus

    1718 days ago

  • Alignment-free sequence comparison: benefits, applications, and tools #Alignment #Sequence

    Tags: Alignment, Sequence

    1708 days ago

  • Understanding mutiple alignment format #MSA #Format #Alignment

    Tags: MSA, Format, Alignment

    1198 days ago