Results for "Applications"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Nataša Pržulj Lab

    Nataša Pržulj Lab's research involves applications of graph theory, mathematical modeling, and computational techniques to solving large-scale problems in computational and systems biolo...

    3890 days ago

  • Huber Lab

    ...y automated phenotyping, using image analysis, machine learning, sparse model building and causal inference. DNA-, RNA- and ChIP-Seq and their applications to gene expression regulation...

    3879 days ago

  • Gupta Lab

    ...rrecting codes. We also work in classical and quantum information processing principles with expertise in coding theory and its wide variety of applications in Information and Communicat...

    3874 days ago

  • Yau Group

    ...Yau Group develops statistical and computational methods for the analysis of genomic datasets with a particular interest in cancer sequencing applications and the use of Bayesian Stati...

    3844 days ago

  • DbBrowser: Attwood Lab

    ...ys (e.g., Ambrosia, CINEMA); DbBrowser: Attwood Lab are building re-usable software components to create semantically integrated bioinformatics applications through UTOPIA, including a '...

    3841 days ago

  • Roslin Bioinformatics Group

    ...l data using computer systems. Additionally we provide databases and applications supporting the international...g. Head: Andy Law. Members: John Bowman (animal facility database applications), Zen Lu (bioinformatics supp...

    3802 days ago

  • BOKU Lab

    ...Optimization of microarray design, probe signal interpretation Advanced models and tools for expression profiling State-of-the-art applications and integrated analyses L...

    3758 days ago

  • BioinfoLab

    ...BioinfoLab is to develop novel statistical methods and computational tools for the analysis of high dimensional data arising from "Multi-omics" applications. In particular, current activ...

    2952 days ago


    ...nal statistics. We use these novel methods to address questions related to genome biology and population genomics. We also develop web-based applications that integrate data across do...

    1342 days ago

  • Pevzner Lab !

    ...orks on genome sequencing, immunoproteogenomics, antibiotics sequencing, and comparative genomics - computational technologies that enabled new applications and allowed scientists to att...

    174 days ago