Results for "Co-evolution"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Troyanskaya Lab

    In our research, we combine computational methods with an experimental component in a unified effort to develop comprehensive descriptions of genetic systems of cellular c...

    3841 days ago

  • Rehmsmeier group

    "Our research focuses on understanding development, gene regulation, and epigenetics on a genome-wide scale, in the context of evolution. This involves the design and application of algorithms, statistics, and experimental approaches."

    3819 days ago

  • Edwards Lab

    We study the evolutionary biology of birds and relatives, combining field, museum and genomics approaches to understand the basis of avian diversity, evolution and behavio...

    3818 days ago

  • LAPTI Lab

    The main theme of our research is the understanding of how genetic information is decoded from DNA into RNA and proteins. Someone may find this topic a little strange and...

    3786 days ago

  • Landry Lab

    EVOLUTIONARY AND INTEGRATIVE CELL BIOLOGY Our research is at the crossroad between cell biology, ecological genomics, systems biology, molecular evolution and populatio...

    3569 days ago

  • The Minerva Research Group for Bioinformatics

    The focus of the bioinformatics group is to use computational approaches to gain an insight into genome evolution in primates.

    3620 days ago

  • Yannick Wurm Lab

    Evolutionary genomics of social insects. Extensive theoretical work has explained how and why complex societies evolve. However, only little is known about the genes and m...

    3548 days ago

  • Roderic Guigó Lab

    Research in our group focuses on the investigation of the signals involved in gene specification in genomic sequences (promoter elements, splice sites, translation initiat...

    3523 days ago

  • Alessandra Carbone Lab

    ...functioning starting from genomic data. We run several projects in parallel, all aiming at understanding the basic principles of evolution and co-evolution of molecular structures in th...

    3256 days ago

  • Nicolas Corradi Lab

    The goal of our research is to better understand the biology of microbial organisms of significant ecological, veterinary and medical importance. To achieve this goal, ou...

    3256 days ago