Results for "Computational"



    Our research focuses on the computational analysis of genomic and transcriptomic sequences from non-model plant species. We do this by developing approaches to examine gene finding, gene expression, transcriptome assembly, and conserved element identification, through machine learning and computa...

    Tags: Plant, Computational, Genomics, Jill Wegrzyn

    1342 days ago

  • The Brent Lab

    The Brent Lab is developing and applying computational methods for mapping gene regulation networks, modeling them quantitatively, and engineering new behaviors into them.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Michael Brent, computational, methods

    2265 days ago

  • Liu Lab

    Shirley is a computational biologist with expertise in cancer epigenetics. Her research focuses on algorithm development and integrative mining from big data generated on microarrays, massively parallel sequencing, and other high throughput techniques to model the specificity and function of tran...

    Tags: computational, biology, cancer, epigenetics, genome, bioinformatics

    1540 days ago

  • Troyanskaya Lab

    The goal of our research is to interpret and distill this complexity through accurate analysis and modeling of molecular pathways, particularly those in which malfunctions lead to the manifestation of disease. We are inventing integrative methods for systems-level pathway modeling through integra...

    Tags: accurate, analysis, modeling, pathways, tools, software, research, laboratory, bioinformatics, computational, biology

    1540 days ago