Results for "Contig"

Top-level pages

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !!

    ...[2] to extend seed reads (or contigs generated by another assembler) into longer contigs, by iteratively calling Vmat...for analyzing ABySS-assembled contigs from shotgun transcriptome d...rogram for sequence assembly, contig editing, and mutation detecti...

    2674 days ago

  • Bioinformatics OneLiner

    ...duplicated lines: awk '!seen[$0]++' To sum assembly size from SPAdes contigs.fasta or scaffolds.fasta fil...le_1.fq) | cut -f 5-8 | \tr "\t" "\n" > myf2.fq To filter and sort contig identifiers from SPAdes assem...

    2206 days ago

  • Gap filling or Contigs extensions tools !

    ...he following algorithm: 1. Start with the initial assembly C0 of the contigs you have identified as overlapping your region of interest, and the set S of reads those contigs contain. Let C = C0. 2. R...

    2154 days ago

  • LINKS scaffolder bloomfilter setting !

    ...ffold (default -l 5, optional) -a maximum link ratio between two best contig pairs (default -a 0.3, optional) *higher values lead to least accurate scaffolding* -z minimum contig length to consider for scaffo...

    2140 days ago

  • Frequent parameters for bioinformatics tools !

    ...dust no -evalue 1E-20 -word_size 32 -culling_limit 2 -perc_identity 95   blastp (VF) -culling_limit 2   RGI (ABR) --input_type contig   bowtie2 (mapping) -...

    1274 days ago