Results for "Development"

ResearchLabs posts

  • The Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB), Bailey Lab

    Pattern recognition and computational biology MEME Suite software development; gene expression; mathematical modelling; gene regulation and transcription Specialization: Pattern recognition and modelling in computational biology Link @

    3932 days ago

  • Papenfuss Lab

    ...anisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in humans, have provided new tools for discovery in biology and have accelerated the development of understanding in human dis...

    3932 days ago

  • Smyth Lab

    Statistical functional genomics in experimental medicine The genome projects and the accelerated development of high-throughput genomic technologies such as microarrays have revolution...

    3932 days ago

  • Boku Chair of Bioinformatics

    ...ired. We combine Work to establish improved quantitative experimental assays (such as microarrays or differential in-gel electrophoresis) and Development of modern computational metho...

    3932 days ago

  • The Centre for Bioinformatics (MCB) Lab in Bioinformatics. Research Area We are interested in the development of the statistics and computa...and problems related to chemical genomics. We are interested in the development of bioinformatics/biostatisti...

    3932 days ago

  • Donnelly Centre of Cellular & Biomolecular Research (CCBR), Bader Lab

    ...nd transcript profiles. We are interested to find how these links are rewired by mutations to cause disease. This work is supported through the development of open-source biological pat...

    3932 days ago

  • The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) Genomics Lab , Toronto, Canada.

    The Human Genome Project led to the development of a wide array of technologies to screen the genome and its p...d other high-throughput techniques to identify genes critical to the development of cancer and anomalies in th...

    3903 days ago

  • IMTECH Lab

    ...ter Aided Protein Structure Prediction; Identification of Vaccine Candidates (T-Epitope prediction); Analysis of Nucleotide/Protein Sequences; Development of Web Server/ Software; C...

    3869 days ago

  • Chang lab

    ...e have pioneered methods to predict, dissect, and control large-scale gene regulatory programs; these methods have provided insights into human development, cancer, and aging. A particu...

    3859 days ago

  • Mike Ritchie Lab

    ...ity genes for common diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, among others. The approaches will involve the development and application of new statis...

    3851 days ago