Results for "Excel"


  • Export excel in R #R #Excel

    Tags: R, Excel

    3606 days ago

  • R for Microsoft Excel

    If you currently use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel for data analysis, you might be interested in taking a look at this tutorial on how to transition from Excel to R by Tony Ojeda. The tutorial explains how to use R functions in place of Excel formulas, including tools like =AVERAGE an...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Tutorial, R, Excel

    3354 days ago

  • Excel to R #Excel #R #readxl

    Tags: Excel, R, readxl

    3297 days ago

  • Custom R charts coming to Excel !

    This week at the BUILD conference, Microsoft announced that Power BI custom visuals will soon be available as charts with Excel. You'll be able to choose a range of data within an Excel workbook, and pass those data to one of the built-in Power BI custom visuals, or one you've crea...

    Tags: Custom, R, charts, coming, Excel, Microsoft

    2175 days ago

  • Forget about excel use these r shiny packages instead #R #Format #Table #Excel

    Tags: R, Format, Table, Excel

    1696 days ago