Results for "Fake"



  • Install grabseqs using conda !

    vik@vik-Lenovo-ideapad-320-15ISK:~/Downloads/setu/setu$ conda install grabseqs -c louiejtaylor -c bioconda -c conda-forge Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1044 days ago

  • Fasta to Fastq conversion !

    seqtk seq -F '#' in.fa > out.fq # "#" is fake score.

    38 days ago


  • List of GOI approved peer reviewed bioinformatics and computational biology journals

    Unfortunately, we now live in a world where the integrity of peer-reviewed journals is being threatened by the rise of the academic version of fake news – something many call “predatory publishing".  Mostly in academic publishing world, "predatory open access publishing" is an ex...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Journals, Publication, Predatory, List, Valid, India, GOI, Approved, Editorial, Computational, Biology, Fake, Deceptive, New, Report

    2557 days ago