Results for "Function"


  • List of gene ontology software and tools

    ...gnificant co-clustering of genes with similar functional properties (e.g. cellular r...yTM (GO) gene annotation scheme to define the functional properties of all genes/pro...icroarray hybridization experiments. The main function of GOEAST is to identify sign...

    3699 days ago

  • List of GOI approved peer reviewed bioinformatics and computational biology journals

    ...ournal, then please report me in comment section. Open Bioinformatics Journal Scopus Computer Science; Engineering; Medicine PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS WoS BIOLOG...

    2557 days ago

  • Insert data through ajax into MySql database.

    ...e. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#submit').click(function(){ var name= $('#name').val()...OST", url:"insert.php", data:sdatatring, cache: false, success:function(result){ alert(result); }});...

    2191 days ago

  • Check product if already exist in to cart using woocommerce.

    ...mmerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'check_product_added_to_cart', 10, 3 );function check_product_added_to_cart(...duct is already in your cart.', 'woocommerce' ), 'error' );// Stop the function returning "false", so the pro...

    2187 days ago

  • Installing Trinity !

    ...ijn.cpp FastaToDeBruijn.cpp: In function ‘void createGraphPerRecord(st...fastaToKmerCoverageStats.cpp: In function ‘void populate_kmer_counter_f...ysis/ In member function ‘void DeBruijnGraph::recursiv...lysis/ In member function ‘void JobControl::ClearFiles(...

    2123 days ago

  • Converting a VCF into a FASTA given some reference !

    Samtools/BCFtools (Heng Li) provides a Perl script which does this, the function vcf2fq (lines 469-528) This script has been modified by others to conv...

    2106 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...Services Environment Protein function prediction and annotation in...inear Motif Resource Predict functional sites in eukaryotic protein...ool for investigating protein function Find motifs in a protein seq...that Determine Differences in Functional Specificity of Homologous P...

    1983 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    ...] = "bar"; # You can also initialize an array with the built-in function split() n = split("foo...ariable called ARGC print ARGC; # AWK has several built-in functions. They fall into three catego...

    1825 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    ...iy with fastQC.Script Quality trimming/cleanup of read files.This function trims adapters, barcodes and...

    1194 days ago

  • Run bash script in Perl program !

    ...nclude, making it easier to perform different functions. Despite the fact that Pytho...bsp;syntax: exec "command"; It's a Perl function (perlfunc) that executes a co... system( "command" ); It is also a Perl function (perlfunc) that executes a co...

    627 days ago