Results for "K-mer"


  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...contigs using a text editor or a genome browser. SPAdes also provides several options for tuning the assembly parameters, such as adjusting the k-mer length or enabling error corr...

    405 days ago

  • Comment on "Sibelia: A comparative genomics tool"

    ...------------------ Algorithm of "Sibelia" depends on presence of solid k-mers within syntenic regions. If...s of computations. Each stage has two parameters, K and D. Let's call K-mer a substring of length K. At e...

    1269 days ago

  • Comment on "Platanus"

    ...y values are not used. OTHER OPTIONS -k INT : Initial k-mer size (default 32)...coverage data, small INT is recommended. -s INT : Step size of k-mer extension (>= 1, default 1...

    2783 days ago