Results for "Nature"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Sundar Lab Ongoing Projects: "Betraying the parasite’s redox system: Studies on spermidine synthase of Leishmania donovani " "Towards modifying nature's DNA-recognition system"...

    3861 days ago

  • Shendure Lab

    ...ies in genomics and molecular biology. Most projects in the lab exploit new DNA sequencing technologies (Shendure et al., Nature Reviews Genetics 2004; Shendure & Ji, Nature Biotechnology 2008; Shendure...

    3845 days ago

  • Yannick Wurm Lab that a fundamental social trait in this species (how many queens are accepted in the colony) is determined by variants of a social chromosome (Nature 2013). 3. described the ge...

    3542 days ago

  • Venkatesh Lab

    ...ioneers in the field of comparative genomics. We proposed the compact genome of the fugu (Takifugu rubripes) as a model vertebrate genome in 1993 (Nature 366: 265-268, 1993) and deter...

    2677 days ago