Results for "OS"


  • Perl Poem: Parse it in both Perl and English!

    ...available as misc/ on CPAN.) Besides being the most prolific Perl poet, Sharon is also the most widely published, having had...idden), open (locks, doors), tell secrets;do not, I-beg-you, close them, yet. accept (yourself...

    3904 days ago

  • What a bioinformatician always dream for ???

    ...l :P A girl/boy with lesser E-values and higher compatibility score. Horoscope Match should be significa...t (not less that 18). Laptops with broadband connections. Licence to almost all genomics and proteomics...

    3830 days ago

  • The Best Bioinformatics / Computational Biology Quotes

    ...ed fuzzy logic to understand God's logic? Warning! Overflow, delete chromosome ! Be nice to the BioGeek,, very accurate mistakes. Let's BLAST it. Some genome never has transposons. It just develops random f...

    3705 days ago

  • BioGeek Fun

    ...p;           $beginChromosome=$2;    . ....sp; 5. Perl messageif ($1) { print “Just found a the error in chromosome !!!, yahoo…”;...

    3686 days ago

  • Bioinformatician on Valentine's Day

    Once asked to a bioinformatician "How is ur Valentine's Day?" Bioinformatician replied: if ($date == "Valentine's Day" && $me =! Bioinformatician) { rose_day(); promise_day(); kiss_day(); } else { hack_genome(); ko-fi(); youtube(); do_scripting(); sleep(); )

    1161 days ago