Results for "Operating System"


  • Why the Perl script flash error and print weird lines once change the operating system?

    Hi Bioinformatician, I am working on a small script which read a file and extract the gene coordinates. It works fine when I run on linux OS but in Window OS it print some weird sign, and also does not print the expected result. Following are the code for your reference. #!/usr/bin/perluse str...

    Tags: Perl, Syntax Error, Operating System, Perl script

    3911 days ago

  • How to find Operating System name using perl script?

    Hi All, Recently I started working on severs/clusters for my biological analysis. I am struggling to find the operating system(OS) detail information before running my scripts. Can you please tell me how to find OS name using perl script?

    Tags: Perl, OS, Operating System, Linux, Windows, Mac, Bioinformatics, Perl Script

    3913 days ago