Results for "PIPE"




  • Detail annotation of genes !

    ...enclature authority (O for official, I for interim) Other designations: pipe-delimited set of some alterna...e last date a gene record was updated, in YYYYMMDD format Feature type: pipe-delimited set of annotated fe...

    1925 days ago


Top-level pages

  • Most Commonly used Awk by Bioinformatician

    ...erl, awk is simpler in many practical cases. Why awk? You can replace a pipeline of 'stuff | grep | sed |...aster to do it all with one. This is ideal for something like an openbox pipe menu where you want to genera...

    3897 days ago

  • Subprocess pkg

    ...u want to run fastqc for QC of fastq file: from subprocess import Popen,PIPE,call p=Popen(["fastqc","-f",..."/home/name/result/","/dev/stdin"],stdin=fopen("read.fastq","r") ,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) print p.stderr...

    3533 days ago

  • +5 more Top-level pages


  • Perl IPC::Open2 module

    syntax: $output = open2(\*CHLD_OUT, \*CHLD_IN, 'command arg1 arg2'); It runs a process for both reading and writing and creates a pipe to both STDIN and STDOUT. It can be used in...

    1147 days ago


  • Subprocess pkg

    Subprocess is one of simplest way of running linux command from within python code Example: if you want to run fastqc for QC of fastq file: from subprocess import Popen,PIPE,call p=Popen(["fastqc","-f","fastq","-o", "/home/name/result/","/dev/stdin"],stdin=fopen("read.fastq","r") ,stdout=PIPE...

    Tags: python, linux, PIPE

    3533 days ago
