Results for "Pipeline"


  • Mapping with BWA-mem or BWA-sampe in one go with python script !

    ...integer specifying how many threads BWA-mem should use. --nomem can be specified to the above call to use BWA-sampe as the paired read alignment pipeline.

    2112 days ago

  • Running REAPR !

    ...teration1.fa" echo "[REAPR pipeline] Running preprocess" echo "/..../ 01.stats" echo "[REAPR pipeline] Running fcdrate" /home/urbe..."Running reapr version 1.0.18 pipeline:" echo "/home/urbe/Tools/Rea..._____________________ test pipeline " reapr pipeline Wadine...

    2087 days ago

  • Install Bwise using conda !

    ...] [FATAL ERROR] BWISE requires at least a read file To find out why, try `Bwise --help` and/or check the logs files of the various steps of the pipeline (logs/logBloo coo, lo...

    978 days ago