Results for "Rare variants"


  • Downloading GATK !

    jitendra@jitendra-UNLOCK-INSTALL[SNP] coverage to detect copy number variants. AnnotateIntervals...(BETA Tool) Calls copy-number variants in germline samples given the...ant calling and genotyping for short variants (SNPs, SNVs and Indels)...

    2060 days ago

  • Samtools commands for bioinformatician !

    ## count mapped reads samtools view -c -F 260 mapping_...x sal_sej_sorted.bam.bam ### identifying genome variants (mpileup command) # -g : out...els # -c : find snp # -v : output only potential variants bcftools view -c -v sal_vars...

    1587 days ago

  • Pack a perl program with their dependencies on Ubuntu !

    #Follow steps to create your own executable ./web jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT:~/Downl...nlocalassembly - SvABA is a method for detecting structural variants in sequencing data using geno...

    1496 days ago

  • Create random 10000 SNPs in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -ref.... Generating the correspondance map for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...Generating reference-based vcf file for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...

    1195 days ago

  • Create random 1000 INDEL in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -ref.... Generating the correspondance map for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...Generating reference-based vcf file for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...

    1195 days ago

  • Create random 1000 CNVs in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -ref.... Generating the correspondance map for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...Generating reference-based vcf file for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...

    1195 days ago

  • Create random 5 inversions in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -ref.... Generating the correspondance map for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...Generating reference-based vcf file for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...

    1195 days ago

  • Create random 2 translocations in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -ref.... Generating the correspondance map for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...Generating reference-based vcf file for genomic variants introduced during simulation:...

    1195 days ago

  • Installing Covid19 Environment !

    (base) vikas@vikas-Lenovo-ideapad-320-15ISK:~/vinodLab/Genepi$ conda env create -f...\ The default QUAST package does not include: * GRIDSS (needed for structural variants detection) * SILVA 16S rRNA...

    908 days ago

  • Install Varscan on Ubuntu / Linux !

    #Varscan is a java program designed to call variants in sequencing data. It was developed at the Genome Institute at Washington University and is hosted on github. To use Varscan we simply ne...

    808 days ago