Results for "Repeat"


  • Five points for bioinformatics software/tools

    ...k, because the software is not available to everyone and your data can’t be validated. Moreover, there is very less chances that anyone will repeat your work or love to do simil...

    3697 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    ...V, and represents your best opportunity to communicate directly with your target audience prior to an interview.The cover letter should not simply repeat the information contained in...

    3355 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...het peak, the second will be the homozygous peak, and the rest will be repeat peaks. The peak caller is not...en generate 5 million simulated read pairs from the new genome. You can repeat this multiple times; each mut...

    2260 days ago

  • Common methods to discover tandem repeats

    Tandem repeats are DNA sequences that are repeated in a contiguous manner in t...e tool that identifies tandem repeats in DNA sequences. It is avai...quence to a database of known repeats and then identifies any tand...mprehensively identify tandem repeats in genomes....

    413 days ago