Results for "SNP"


  • Downloading GATK !

    jitendra@jitendra-UNLOCK-INSTALL[SNP] wget GATK jar /media/jitendra/OSDisk/SNP/gatk- -jar /media/jitendra/OSDisk/SNP/gatk- genotyping for short variants (SNPs, SNVs and Indels) Combi...

    2065 days ago

  • QV calculation in Bash !

    ...(scalar(@s) >= 3){$c++;}} print "$c\n";'` echo "num bp: "$NUM_BP NUM_SNP=`cat $1 |grep -v "#" | awk -F...$4); } else { SUM+=length($4)-length($5)}} END { print SUM}'` echo "num snp: "$NUM_SNP perl -e 'chomp(...

    1594 days ago

  • Samtools commands for bioinformatician !

    ...e # -f : use reference genome given samtools mpileup -g -f sal_ref_sej.fasta sal_sej_sorted.bam.bam > sal_vars.bcf ### calling snp and indels # -c : find snp # -v : output only potential...

    1593 days ago

  • Create random 10000 SNPs in genome !

    ..../ -refseq SGDref.R64-2-1.dups.fa -snp_count 10000 -prefix simuSNP [Sun Jan 10 16:05:57 2021] specified options .. Running simuG for SNP/INDEL simulation >> Ignore a...n Jan 10 16:05:57 2021] Introducing random SNPs based on the following param...

    1201 days ago

  • Create random 1000 INDEL in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -refseq simuSNP.simseq.genome.fa -indel_count 1000 -pre...Sun Jan 10 16:14:00 2021] Check specified options .. Running simuG for SNP/INDEL simulation >> Ignore a...

    1201 days ago