Results for "Technology news mostly related to human welfare"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Nedelec Lab

    Location :European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany. Our long-ter...r architecture from a mechanistic angle, modeling the interactions of microtubules and related...

    3933 days ago

  • Bahlo Lab

    Melanie Bahlo is an applied statistician working in the areas of statistical genetics, b.... Her main area of research is linkage mapping, in humans and mice. Research Area:...digrees Investigation of DNA sharing in distantly related...

    3933 days ago

  • Papenfuss Lab

    The human genome project and similar projects in disease-causing organisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in humans, have provided new tools for...ave accelerated the development of understanding in human d...

    3933 days ago

  • The Centre for Bioinformatics (MCB) Lab

    The Centre for Bioinformatics (MCB) is a diverse collection of professors, postdoctoral fell...listic models for subcellular localization, protein-protein interactions, and problems related...

    3933 days ago

  • The Laboratoire de genomique fonctionelle

    One persistent challenge of post genome biology remains the determination of the functions of all potential genes....nd developmental regulation. It is now believed that AS occurs in up to 74% of human g...

    3933 days ago

  • The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) Genomics Lab , Toronto, Canada.

    The Human Genome Project led to the development of a wide array of technologies to screen the genome and its products (genes, proteins, metabolites) and molecules that...

    3904 days ago


    Genome sequencing projects have enormous potential for benefiting human endeavors. However, just as acquiring a language's vocabulary does no...characterised and to assume that other "similar" proteins will have a related...

    3870 days ago

  • Gupta Lab

    Gupta laboratory of Natural Information Processing at DA-IICT. Research in our lab coding theory and its wide variety of applications in Information and Communication Technol...

    3870 days ago

  • Chang lab

    The Chang lab is focused on how the activities of hundreds or even thousands of genes (gene parties) are coordinat...arge-scale gene regulatory programs; these methods have provided insights into human d...

    3860 days ago

  • Mike Ritchie Lab

    Mike Ritchie Lab primary research focus is the detection of susceptibility genes for common diseases such as cance...ethods with a focus on the detection of gene-gene interactions associated with human d...

    3853 days ago