Results for "Yum"




  • Install Perl Locally !

    ...ll -y build-essential libexpat1-dev libssl-dev libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev # RHEL/CentOS system admins should run: sudo yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools' sudo yum install -y expat-devel openss...

    2128 days ago


  • How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways

    As a bioinformatics programmer, and crunchy data analyser you need to install several perl modules and dependencies. Installing Perl modules manually by resolving all the dependencies is  tedious and annoying process. Some of the packages like GD is the real pain. However, Installing Perl mo...

    Tags: Perl Modules, Perl, Packages, Yum, Quick, CPAN, BioPerl

    3934 days ago