Results for "environment"




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Wire posts

  • Digital birth!!

    3846 days ago

  • Fish have the genetic machinery necessary to make fingers but it is not switched on.

    3734 days ago

  • +3 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Huber Lab

    ...novel experimental approaches in genetics and cell biology. Future projects and goals Large-scale systematic maps of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions by automated phe...

    3874 days ago

  • The Breitbart lab

    ...reitbart’s lab has created a new branch of biology called metagenomics in which one can sample and sequence genetic material collected from the environment. Breitbart lab is located...

    3866 days ago

  • +3 more ResearchLabs posts



  • Create a conda environment !

    JitMeta (base) ➜ JitMeta conda create --name JitMetaENV Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1200 days ago

  • Install grabseqs with conda !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ JitMeta conda install grabseqs -c louiejtaylor -c bioconda -c conda-forge Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1200 days ago

  • +64 more Bio-Scripts


  • R and Bioconductor

    R and Bioconductor

    R is a free software programming language and a software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for develo...

    3934 days ago


  • Installing Perl environment on Linux

    By using plenv, you can easily install and switch among different version of Perl. This will be installed under your home directory in~/.plenv. Install latest Perl (with supporting multithreading) and CPANMinus. $ cd $ git clone git:// ~/.plenv $ git clon...

    Tags: Install, Perl, environment, Linux, plenv, CPAN, CPANMinus

    2305 days ago

  • Creating conda environment for python2.7

    TIP: By default, environments are installed into the envs directory in your conda directory. Run conda create --help for information on specifying a different path. Use the Terminal or an Anaconda Prompt for the following steps. To create an environment: c...

    Tags: Creat, conda, environment, python2.7, python, Linux

    2173 days ago

  • +5 more Tags
