Results for "fasta"


  • Add number in fasta header $ awk '/^>/{$0=$0"_"(++i)}1' infile.fa #fasta #header #add #number #count

    Tags: fasta, header, add, number, count

    1952 days ago

  • MCAT: Motif Combining and Association Tool

    This is a pipeline for finding motifs in fasta files.It can be run from the command line as follows: usage: [-h] [-w W] [--nmotifs NMOTIFS] [--iter ITER] [-c C][-s S] [-d] [-ff] [-v V]positive_seq negative_seq positional arguments:positive_seq the fasta file for the po...

    Tags: pipeline, find, motifs, fasta

    1928 days ago

  • (smrttools) ➜ allBam for i in *.bam; do bamtools convert -format fasta -in $i -out $i.fasta; done #Convert #fasta

    Tags: Convert, fasta

    1914 days ago

  • One liner to remove the description information from a fasta file and just keep the identifier $ perl -p -i -e 's/>(.+?) .+/>$1/g' sample1.fa #clean #header #fasta

    Tags: clean, header, fasta

    1899 days ago

  • #Rename the #fasta #header and #keep first $ perl -ne 'if (/^(>\S+)/){print "$1\n";}else{print $_;}' realTestDATA.fa > realTestDATA_headerCorrected.fa #Perl

    Tags: Rename, fasta, header, keep, Perl

    1621 days ago

  • Multifasta 2 singlefasta cat toy.fasta| awk '{ if (substr($0, 1, 1)==">" {filename=(substr($0,2) ".fa")} print $0 > filename }' #Split #fasta #multifasta

    Tags: Split, fasta, multifasta

    1611 days ago

  • How to check the line begin with ">" in a file using Raku lang ?

    How to check if the line begin with "#" or ">" etc in Raku aka perl6

    Tags: raku, fasta, header, check, begin, perl6, rakudo

    1540 days ago

  • Count number of fasta sequence $ awk '/^>/ { f = !a[$0]++ } f' aaaa.fa > bbbb.fa #count #fasta #oneliner

    Tags: count, fasta, oneliner

    965 days ago

  • gfastats: The swiss army knife for genome assembly.

    gfastats is a single fast and exhaustive tool for summary statistics and simultaneous *fa* (fasta, fastq, gfa [.gz]) genome assembly file manipulation. gfastats also allows seamless fasta<>fastq<>gfa[.gz] conversion. It has been tested in genomes even >...

    Tags: gfastats, summary, statistics, simultaneous, fasta, fastq, gfa

    594 days ago

  • Delete all the headers from multifasta file $ awk 'BEGIN {print ">"ARGV[1]};!/^>/{print}' test.fa #fasta #delete #header #multifasta

    Tags: fasta, delete, header, multifasta

    93 days ago