Results for "fastq"


  • fastq to fasta convertor $ sed -n '1~4s/^@/>/p;2~4p' test.fastq > test.fasta #Convert #Fasta #Fastq #fa #fq

    Tags: Convert, Fasta, Fastq, fa, fq

    2539 days ago

  • cutadapt

    Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads. Cleaning your data in this way is often required: Reads from small-RNA sequencing contain the 3’ sequencing adapter because the read is longe...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Cutadapt, NGS, Reads, Fastq, Sequencing

    2902 days ago

  • WGS Celera Assembler version 8.3rc2

    These are release notes for Celera Assembler version 8.3rc2, which was released on May 24, 2015.This distribution package provides a stable, tested, documented version of the software.  The distribution is usable on most Unix-like platforms, and some platforms have pre-compiled binary distri...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, wgs-assembler, WGS, PBcR, Pacbio, Correct, Packages, Tools, Simulation, Fastq

    2570 days ago

  • Fastq format

    FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding quality scores. Both the sequence letter and quality score are each encoded with a single ASCII character for brevity. It was originally de...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Format, Fastq

    2547 days ago

  • How to remove duplicates reads Ids ?

    I mapped reads with bwa mem -M -t 40 allCombinedFinalSet.fa Seq.R1.fastq Seq.R2.fastq > aln.sam Extracted the mapped reads samtools view -f 0x2 -b aln.bam > output.bam Extracted the fastq bamToFastq -i output.bam -fq R1.fq -fq2 R2.fq grep @HISEQ578:1035:HJ2KCBCXX:1:1104...

    Tags: Reads, Ids, NGS, Fastq, Duplicates

    2547 days ago

  • Fastq stats in Emoji :)

    Read one or more FASTQ files, fastqe will compute quality stats for each file and print those stats as emoji... for some reason. Given a fastq file in Illumina 1.8+/Sanger format, calculate the mean (rounded) score for each position and print a corresponding emoji!

    Tags: Fastq, stats, fastq, fastqe, Emoji

    2087 days ago

  • How to run fastuniq?

    I wanted to remove the duplicates from fastq file. I planned to use fastuniq but it does not have good tutorial. Can you please tell me how to use it?

    Tags: fastq, fastuniq, duplicates, NGS

    2548 days ago

  • Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq data

    Automatic Filtering, Trimming, Error Removing and Quality Control for fastq dataAfterQC can simply go through all fastq files in a folder and then output three folders: good, bad and QC folders, which contains good reads, bad reads and the QC results of each fastq fi...

    Tags: Automatic, Filtering, Trimming, Error, Removing, Quality, Control, fastq, data

    2353 days ago

  • Get the reads in fastq file: awk '{s++}END{print s/4}' file.fastq #reads #count #ngs #fastq

    Tags: reads, count, ngs, fastq

    2358 days ago

  • Fastq 2 fasta. $ sed -n '1~4s/^@/>/p;2~4p' test.fastq > test.fasta #fastq #fasta #convert

    Tags: fastq, fasta, convert

    2343 days ago