Results for "go"


  • ShinyGO v0.61: Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis + more

    2/3/2020: Now published by Bioinformatics. 11/3/2019: V 0.61, Improve graphical visualization (thanks to reviewers). Interactive networks and much more. 5/20/2019: V.0.60, Annotation database updated to Ensembl 96. New bacterial and fungal genomes based on STRING-db! Just paste your gene l...

    Tags: ShinyGO, Gene, Ontology, Enrichment, GO, Analysis

    1421 days ago

  • Predict Gene Ontology with sequences !

    PANNZER (Protein ANNotation with Z-scoRE) is a fully automated service for functional annotation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins of unknown function. The tool is designed to predict the functional description (DE) and GO classes. PANNZER2 processes bacterial proteomes in minutes and ...

    Tags: Predict, Gene, Ontology, Sequences, GO

    1386 days ago

  • CrowdGO: Machine learning and semantic similarity guided consensus Gene Ontology annotation

    CrowdGO is a protein Gene Ontology predictor using a meta approach, analyzing the predictions of other tools in order to get an improved precision and recall. Please note that the CrowdGO snakemake workflow is currently only tested on Ubuntu. It should work on OSX, but please report any errors t...

    Tags: CrowdGO, Machine, learning, semantic, similarity, guided, consensus, Gene, Ontology, annotation, GO

    699 days ago

  • Understanding GO analysis

    The confusion about gene ontology and gene ontology analysis can start right from the term itself. There are actually two different entities that are commonly referred to as gene ontology or “GO”: the ontology itself, which is a set of terms with their precise definitions and ...

    Tags: GO, Analysis, Enrichments

    441 days ago

  • Pathway Analysis

    Pathway Analysis is usually performed with aim to enrich the genes with their functional information and reveal the underlying biological mechanisms pursue by genes. Pathway Analysis is not only limited to what biological pathways a particular set of expressed genes follow but also to disclose th...

    Tags: pathway enrichment, kegg, reactome, go, blast2go, RNA-Seq, RNA, Sequencing

    3485 days ago

  • #fungi #Kegg #go

    Tags: fungi, Kegg, go

    3483 days ago