Results for "iTOL"


  • iTOL: interactive Tree Of Life

    Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display and manipulation of phylogenetic trees. It provides most of the features available in other tree viewers, and offers a novel circular tree layout, which makes it easy to visualize mid-sized tree (up to several thousand leaves). Trees...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Tree, Phylogeny, Visualization, iTOL

    2635 days ago

  • iTOL: Interactive Tree Of Life

    Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display, annotation and management of phylogenetic trees. Explore your trees directly in the browser, and annotate them with various types of data. iTOL can easily visualize trees with 50'000 or more leaves. With advanced search capabiliti...

    Tags: iTOL, Interactive, Tree, Life

    2467 days ago