Results for "redundancy"


  • Redundans close the gaps resulting from genome assembly or scaffolding more details. The pipeline consists of three steps/modules: redundancy reduction: detection and sele...

    2791 days ago

  • pyScaf

    ...CANPA on 4 CPUs and ~2 min for ARATH on 16 CPUs. Important remarks: Reduce your assembly before ( as any redundancy will likely break the synteny...

    2682 days ago

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  • Genetic code - Amino Acid

    ...are called codons.With three exceptions, each codon encodes for one of the 20 amino acids used in the synthesis of proteins. That produces some redundancy in the code: most of the amin...

    3467 days ago

Discussion topics

  • Compressive Genomics

    ...ta is very small. In other words, a single DNA sequence isn't particularly compressible but a set of sequences shares so much in common that the redundancy can be used to store them in...

    3908 days ago


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