Results for "sam"


  • SAM flags #SAM #Flags

    Tags: SAM, Flags

    2606 days ago

  • Convert a SAM file to tab-delimited alignment coordinates #SAM #BAM #Convert #Tab

    Tags: SAM, BAM, Convert, Tab

    2606 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tutorial #Workflow #Tutorial #BAM #SAM #SNP

    Tags: Workflow, Tutorial, BAM, SAM, SNP

    2193 days ago

  • Ribbon genomics #Visualization #Ribbon #Graph #Genome #BAM #SAM #Mummer

    Tags: Visualization, Ribbon, Graph, Genome, BAM, SAM, Mummer

    1970 days ago

  • Get the secondary hists reads count from SAM awk '{ print $2 }' out.sam| grep "2048" | wc -l #SAM #BAM #Secondary #Hits

    Tags: SAM, BAM, Secondary, Hits

    1822 days ago

  • What does the SAM flags means #SAM #Flag

    Tags: SAM, Flag

    1826 days ago

  • Quip: Aggressive compression of FASTQ, SAM and BAM files.

    This will help us to reduce the amount of drive space we take up and decrease data transfer times Quip compresses next-generation sequencing data with extreme prejudice. It supports input and output in the FASTQ and SAM/BAM formats, compressing large datasets to as little as ...

    Tags: Quip, Aggressive, compression, FASTQ, SAM, BAM, files

    697 days ago

  • Structure of Binary files used for storing sequencing data-bam and sff

    Many times bioinformatician needs to parse binary files like bam and sff. Advantage of binary files is that they occupy less space in memory with maximum information content. Link for those who looking for structure of Bam and sff file: Bam: (from...

    Tags: bam, sff, sam, iontorrent data, 454 data, pyrosequencing data, hxd, hexadecimal, binary files, sequencing

    3905 days ago

  • sam to bam conversion !!

    To do sam to bam conversion, follow the following commands :-  Code: $ samtools view -b -S file.sam > file.bam Then you will need to use  Code: $ samtools sort file.bam file-sorted followed by Code: $ samtools index file-sorted.bam in order to get an indexed fil...

    Tags: sam, bam, conversion

    2276 days ago

  • How to extract all the reads mapped at specific region in a genome?

     I want to extract all the reads mapped at chr5: 200-6000. 

    Tags: extract, reads, mapped, bam, sam, ngs

    2273 days ago