Results for "tool"


  • SIMBA: a web tool for managing bacterial genome assembly generated by Ion PGM sequencing technology

    SIMBA, SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies, is a Web interface for managing assembly projects of bacterial genomes. SIMBA was created to assist bioinformaticians to assemble bacterial genomes sequenced with NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS) platforms quickly, easily and effectively. SIMBA also ...

    Tags: SIMBA, Web, Tool, Bacterial, Genome, Assembly, Ion PGM, Sequencing

    2524 days ago

  • SVfinder: Tool for detecting genomic rearrangement form DNA-seq data

    SVfinder provides genome-wide detection of structural variants from next generation paired-end sequencing reads.

    Tags: SVfinder, Tool, detecting, genomic, rearrangement, DNA-seq

    2318 days ago

  • BBSplit: Read Binning Tool for Metagenomes and Contaminated Libraries

    BBSplit internally uses BBMap to map reads to multiple genomes at once, and determine which genome they match best. This is different than with ordinary mapping. If a genome (say, human) contains an exact repeat somewhere, reads mapping to it will be mapped ambiguously. But if you want to determi...

    Tags: BBSplit, Read, Binning, Tool, Metagenomes, Contaminated, Libraries

    2299 days ago

  • HGT-Finder: A New Tool for Horizontal Gene Transfer Finding and Application to Aspergillus genomes

    HGT-Finder: (i) can be used for HGT detection in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, (ii) can report a statistical P value for each gene to indicate how likely it is to be horizontally transferred, and (iii) is fully automated (requires minimal human intervention), as well as very ea...

    Tags: HGT-Finder, Tool, Horizontal, Gene, Transfer, Finding, Application, Aspergillus, genomes

    2284 days ago

  • PhyloGrapher - Graph Visualization Tool

    PhyloGrapher is a program designed to visualize and study evolutionary relationships within families of homologous genes or proteins (elements). PhyloGrapher is a drawing tool that generates custom graphs for a given set of elements. In general, it is possible to use PhyloGrap...

    Tags: PhyloGrapher, Graph, Visualization, Tool

    2235 days ago

  • GMOL: An Interactive Tool for 3D Genome Structure Visualization

    GMOL was developed based upon our multi-scale approach that allows a user to scale between six separate levels within the genome. With GMOL, a user can choose any unit at any scale and scale it up or down to visualize its structure and retrieve corresponding genome sequences.

    Tags: GMOL, Interactive, Tool, 3D, Genome, Structure, Visualization

    2221 days ago

  • lordFAST: sensitive and Fast Alignment Search Tool for LOng noisy Read sequencing Data

    lordFAST is a sensitive tool for mapping long reads with high error rates. lordFAST is specially designed for aligning reads from PacBio sequencing technology but provides the user the ability to change alignment parameters depending on the reads and application. lordFAST, a novel long-read mapp...

    Tags: lordFAST, sensitive, Fast, Alignment, Search, Tool, LOng, noisy, Read, sequencing, Data

    1970 days ago

  • CViT: Chromosome Viewing Tool

    CViT - Chromosome Viewing Tool. A collection of Perl scripts that enable quick visualizations of features on linkage groups, psuedochromosomes or cytogenetic maps. Intended for whole-genome views of data but can be used to create images of single chromosomes/linkage groups, contigs, or BACs, or e...

    Tags: CViT, Chromosome, Viewing, Tool

    1935 days ago

  • decontaMiner, a tool for detecting contaminating organisms in human unmapped sequences. #Tools #decontaMiner #Tool #Contamination

    Tags: Tools, decontaMiner, Tool, Contamination

    1816 days ago

  • MGERT: Mobile Genetic Elements Retrieving Tool

    MGERT is a computational pipeline for easy retrieving of MGE's coding sequences of a particular family from genome assemblies. MGERT utilizes several established bioinformatic tools combined into single pipeline which hides different technical quirks from an inexperienced user.

    Tags: MGERT, Mobile, Genetic, Elements, Retrieving, Tool

    1798 days ago