Results for "whole-genome"


  • Ravindra Raut

    About me: ...e duplication. Experienced in using next-generation sequencing technologies like shotgun sequencing, linked reads, and long-read sequencing for whole-genome resequencing, variant calling...

    1124 days ago




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Wire posts

  • VISTA is a comprehensive suite of programs and databases for comparative analysis of genomic sequences ! #Genomics #Seq

    3502 days ago

  • Generate N base genome: perl -e '@b=qw/A T G C/;print ">Genome\n";while($l<N){print @b[int(rand(4))];$l++;}' #Tipsoftheday #Perl

    3887 days ago

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ResearchLabs posts

  • Papenfuss Lab

    The human genome project and similar projects in disease-causing organisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in humans, have provided new tools for disco...

    3932 days ago

  • Smyth Lab

    Statistical functional genomics in experimental medicine The genome projects and the accelerated development of high-throughput genomic technologies such as microarrays h...

    3932 days ago

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  • Genome Hackers

    Genome Hackers

    INTIMATE secrets hidden in your DNA could be stolen without you even realising. By taking a glass from which you have drunk, a "genome hacker" could obtain a comprehensive...

    3937 days ago

  • BOL Virtual Research Group

    BOL Virtual Research Group

    Our research interest falls in the broad field of bioinformatics and, more specifically into Computational Systems and Biomedicine.  We apply computational methods towards...

    3927 days ago

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  • progressiveCactus

    Progressive Cactus is a whole-genome alignment package. Distribution package for the Prgressive Cactus multiple genome aligner. Dependencies are linked as submodules

    Tags: Progressive, Cactus, Whole-genome, Alignment, Package, progressiveCactus

    2528 days ago

  • TelomereHunter

    TelomereHunter is a tool for estimating telomere content from human whole-genome sequencing data. It is designed to take BAM files from a tumor and a matching control sample as input. However, it is also possible to run TelomereHunter with one input file. TelomereHunter extracts and sorts telomer...

    Tags: TelomereHunter, tool, telomere, human, whole-genome, sequencing

    2268 days ago

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