www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Entrez Direct (EDirect) is an advanced method for accessing the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases (publication, sequence, structure, gene, variation, expression, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window. Functions take search terms from command-line...
murasaki.dna.bio.keio.ac.jp - Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is
exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for whole Human x Mouse genome (with 40 nodes: 35 wall minutes), or 8 mammals in 21 CPU hours (42 wall minutes))
scalable (Arbitrarily parallelizable across multiple...
ics.hutton.ac.uk - Strudel is our graphical tool for visualizing genetic and physical maps of genomes for comparative purposes. The application aims to let the user examine their data at a variety of different levels of resolution, from entire maps to individual...
decipher.cee.wisc.edu - DECIPHER is a software toolset that can be used to maintain, analyze, and decipher large amounts of DNA sequence data. To install DECIPHER, see the Downloads page. To begin using DECIPHER read the "Getting Started DECIPHERing" tutorial. Refer to the...