sfg.stanford.edu - This website and accompaning documents are intended as a tool to help researchers dealing with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data without having to learn extensive bioinformatics skills. It covers...
http://etetoolkit.org - ETE v3, featuring numerous improvements in the underlying library of methods, and providing a novel set of standalone tools to perform common tasks in comparative genomics and phylogenetics.
The new features include
(i) building gene-based and...
wgs-assembler.sourceforge.net - These are release notes for Celera Assembler version 8.3rc2, which was released on May 24, 2015.This distribution package provides a stable, tested, documented version of the software. The distribution is usable on most Unix-like platforms,...
github.com - An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is...
compbio.mit.edu - ChromHMM is software for learning and characterizing chromatin states. ChromHMM can integrate multiple chromatin datasets such as ChIP-seq data of various histone modifications to discover de novo the major re-occuring combinatorial and spatial...
github.com - Long-read sequencing technologies have become increasingly popular in genome projects due to their strengths in resolving complex genomic regions. As a leading model organism with small genome size and great biotechnological importance, the budding...
wiki.bits.vib.be - NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes from, which gene it represents...To know that you have to align the sequences to the reference sequence. The reference sequence is in most cases...
amp.pharm.mssm.edu - With BioJupies you can produce in seconds a customized, reusable, and interactive report from your own raw or processed RNA-seq data through a simple user interface
BioJupies now supports user accounts! Sign in from the top right corner of the page...
github.com - What is PhyloHerb: PhyloHerb is a wrapper program to process genome skimming data collected from plant materials. The outcomes include the plastid genome (plastome) assemblies, mitochondrial genome assemblies, nuclear ribosomal DNAs...