www.mdpi.com - REGEN infers evolutionary events, including gene creation and deletion and replicon fission and fusion. The reconstruction can be performed by either a maximum parsimony or a maximum likelihood method. Gene content reconstruction is based on the...
My research group consists primarily of computer science graduate students and postdocs with expertise in algorithms, statistical inferences and machine learning, and sharing a passion for understanding fundamental biological problems.
We work in...
compbio.cs.toronto.edu - Hapsembler is a haplotype-specific genome assembly toolkit that is designed for genomes that are rich in SNPs and other types of polymorphism. Hapsembler can be used to assemble reads from a variety of platforms including Illumina and Roche/454....
github.com - An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is...
www.zhanyuwang.xin - BAUM, breaks the whole genome into regions by adaptive unique mapping; then the local OLC is used to assemble each region in parallel. BAUM can: (1) perform reference-assisted assembly based on the genome of a close species; (2) or improve the...
ufmg-simba.sourceforge.net - SIMBA, SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies, is a Web interface for managing assembly projects of bacterial genomes. SIMBA was created to assist bioinformaticians to assemble bacterial genomes sequenced with NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS)...