- We propose AirLift, a methodology and tool for comprehensively moving mappings and annotations from one genome to another similar genome while maintaining the accuracy of a full mapper. - compare two BWA mapping methods with the online hg18-mapped data
We first operate a rapid inspection of the different BAM files using samtools flagstat. Illumina provided chr21 read mapping obtained with their GA IIx deep... - Explore genetic variation interactively. Compare entire cohorts in seconds with SQL-like queries. Compute transition/transversion ratios, genome-wide association, allelic frequency and more.
Process big genomic data easily. Run batch analyses... - Contiguity preserving transposition and sequencing (CPT-seq) is an entirely in vitro means of generating libraries comprised of 9216 indexed pools, each of which contains thousands of sparsely sequenced long fragments ranging from 5 kilobases to... - RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for R. It’s free and open source, and works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
The developers and expert trainers are the authors of several popular R packages, including ggplot2, plyr,... - The Bio.SeqLoc modules in seqloc are designed to represent positions and locations (ranges of positions) on sequences, particularly nucleotide sequences. My original motivation for writing these packages was handing the locations of genes in... - Chromosome number is a remarkably dynamic feature of eukaryotic evolution. Chromosome numbers can change by a duplication of the whole genome (a process termed polyploidy), or by single chromosome changes (ascending dysploidy via, e.g., chromosome...
R is a functional based language, the inputs to a function, including options, are in brackets. Note that all dat and options are separated by a comma
Function(data, options)
Even quit is a function
So is...