Our research group is primarily focused on the analysis of whole genome sequence data to identify genetic variation (primarily structural variation) and examine their potential functional impact in disease phenotypes. We are particularly interested...
NAME OF THE POST : Bioinformatician (Part time 3 days in a week) (One Position only)
NAME OF THE PROJECT : Next generation sequencing facility
crossmap.sourceforge.net - CrossMap is a program for convenient conversion of genome coordinates (or annotation files) between different assemblies (such as Human hg18 (NCBI36) <> hg19 (GRCh37), Mouse mm9 (MGSCv37) <> mm10 (GRCm38)).
It supports most commonly...
hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu - This directory contains Genome Browser and Blat application binaries built for standalone command-line use on various supported Linux and UNIX platforms. To determine which set of binaries to download, type "uname -a" on the command line to display...
Computer simulation is the discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical/biological system, executing the model on a digital computer, and analyzing the execution output.
github.com - PANDASEQ is a program to align Illumina reads, optionally with PCR primers embedded in the sequence, and reconstruct an overlapping sequence.
More at https://github.com/neufeld/pandaseq
sfu-compbio.github.io - SCALCE (/skeɪlz/, a.k.a. boosting Sequence Compression Algorithms using Locally ConsistentEncoding) is a tool for compressing FASTQ files. It is designed specifically for the Illumina-generated FASTQ files, but supports any...
bioinf.spbau.ru - SPAdes – St. Petersburg genome assembler – is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. This manual will help you to install and run SPAdes. SPAdes version 3.7.1 was released under GPLv2 on March 8,...
http://busco.ezlab.org/ - High-throughput genomics has revolutionized biological research, however, while the number of sequenced genomes grows by the day, quality assessment of the resulting assembled sequences remains complicated and mostly limited to technical measures...