- Satsuma is a whole-genome synteny alignment program. It takes two genomes, computes alignments, and then keeps only the parts that are orthologous, i.e. following the conserved order and orientation of features, such as protein coding genes,... - YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best alignment per query and is dramatically faster and more sensitive than both SSAHA2 and MegaBLAST at finding all possible alignments.... - The MetaGraph framework is designed to work with a wide range of input data sets, indexing from a few samples up to the contents of entire archives with hundreds of thousands of records. The indexing workflow always follows the same principle,... - MUMmer4, a substantially improved version of MUMmer that addresses genome size constraints by changing the 32-bit suffix tree data structure at the core of MUMmer to a 48-bit suffix array, and that offers improved speed through parallel processing... - MetaPred2CS Web server is a meta-predictor based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) that combines 6 individual sequence based protein-protein interaction prediction methods to predict prokaryotic two-component... - In a nutshell
Anvi’o is an analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data.
Please find the methods paper here:
Anvi’o would not have been possible without the help of many people who... - Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with virtually any genome assembler and any NGS read mapper that supports SAM format. Other features include support for multiple libraries and an option to estimate... - Seven Bridges is the biomedical data analysis company accelerating breakthroughs in genomics research for cancer, drug development and precision medicine. We build self-improving systems to analyze millions of genomes, including the Graph...
R Graphical Cookbook by Winston Chang
A very nice book by Winston Chang for R ethusiast. The R code presented in these pages is the R code actually used to produce the Figures in the book. There will be differences compared to the code chunks shown...