www.melbournebioinformatics.org.au - Written and maintained by Simon Gladman - Melbourne Bioinformatics (formerly VLSCI)
Protocol Overview / Introduction
In this protocol we discuss and outline the process of de novo assembly for small to medium sized...
ucdavis-bioinformatics-training.github.io - Our team offers custom bioinformatics services to academic and private organizations. We have a strong academic background with a focus on cutting edge, open source software. We replicate standard analysis pipelines (best practices) when...
github.com - Just import the assembly, bam and ALE scores. You can convert the .ale file to a set of .wig files with ale2wiggle.py and IGV can read those directly. Depending on your genome size you may want to convert the .wig files to the BigWig format.
Post-doctoral Research Assistant in Genetics
Camden, North London
£31.1K per annum inclusive of London Weighting
This is a fixed term post for 36 months.
We wish to recruit a highly motivated, postdoctoral scientist to carry out a BBSRC...
The Roth Lab seeks insight into biological systems through genome- and proteome-scale experimentation and analysis.
Current computational interests:
Systematic analysis of genetic epistasis to identify redundant or compensatory systems and to...
With the emergence of NGS technologies, and sequencing data most of the bioinformaticians mung and wrangle around massive amounts of genomics text. There are several "standardized" file formats (FASTQ, SAM, VCF, etc.) and some tools for manipulating...
During recombination, the precise breakage of each strand, exchange between the strands, and sealing of the resulting recombined molecules happens. The “chromosomal breakpoints” refers to these places where they break.
Complete, accurate replication of the genome is essential for life. All chromosomes in eukaryotic cells must be duplicated and then segregated to daughter cells to ensure genetic integrity and produce the large number of cells that make up a...
Suhas Rao and Miriam Huntley (of the Aiden Lab) describe a 3D map of the human genome at kilobase resolution, revealing the principles of chromatin looping. Guest Origami Folding: Sarah Nyquist.
Suhas S.P. Rao*, Miriam H. Huntley*, Neva C. Durand,...
Integrated solutions * CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,...