We are recruiting for an exceptional individual to join us as a computational scientist, bioinformatician, or (research) software engineer with an interest in interactive data analysis platforms for biology and medicine within our Jalview...
The Department of Agronomy at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,
invites applications for two full-time faculty positions beginning August
1, 2021 at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or
Professor in Biometry and...
liulab-dfci.github.io - This is the course material for STAT115/215 BIO/BST282 at Harvard University.
Xiaole Shirley Liu (lead instructor)Joshua StarmerMartin HembergTing WangFeng Yue
Ming TangYang LiuJack KangScarlett GeJiazhen RongPhillip NicolMaartin De Vries
Institut Pasteur de Tunis (IPT):The IPT is a research institution founded in 1883. IPT is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and is part of the Université El Manar of Tunis (Ministry of high Education). The missions...
Lab are included within the Genomics, Bioinformatics and Evolution group of the UAB, and collaborate closely with other researchers in the Barcelona area, such as Xavier Estivill of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Juan R González of the...
astrobiomike.github.io - This site aims to be a useful resource for bioinformatics beginners. Feel free to jump right in with the section most relevant to you, and if you're not sure, then the place to start is definitely Unix
For scientists in the MBL’s Gribble Lab, the rotifer (Brachionus manjavacas) is used as a model organism to study evolution, stress responses, the biology of aging, and maternal effects. Rotifers are small, easy to grow in the lab, have a short...
www.animalgenome.org - The Blast Extension and Assembly Program (BEAP) is a computer program that uses a short starting DNA fragment, often a EST or partial gene segment, as "primer", to recursively blast nucleotide databases in an attempt to obtain all sequences that...