- eMPRess, a software program for phylogenetic tree reconciliation under the duplication-transfer-loss model that systematically addresses the problems of choosing event costs and selecting representative solutions, enabling users to make more robust... - Genomic regulatory blocks are chromosomal regions spanned by long clusters of highly conserved noncoding elements devoted to long-range regulation of developmental genes, often immobilizing other, unrelated genes into long-lasting syntenic... - RAMI, which clusters related nodes in a phylogenetic tree based on the patristic distance. RAMI also produces indices of cluster properties and other indices used in population and community studies on-the-fly.
Availability: RAMI is licensed... - Orthoflow is a workflow for phylogenetic inference of genome-scale datasets of protein-coding genes. Our goal was to make it straightforward to work from a combination of input sources including annotated contigs in Genbank format and FASTA files... - pbalign aligns PacBio reads to reference sequences, filters aligned reads according to user-specific filtering criteria, and converts the output to either the SAM format or PacBio Compare HDF5 (e.g., .cmp.h5) format. The output Compare HDF5 file...
The Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke University Medical Center is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate for a one year appointment to work on several high-dimensional research projects. The specific goals of the project are to... - Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. It will find both substitutions (snps) and insertions/deletions (indels). It will use as many CPUs as you can give it on a single computer (tested to 64 cores). It is... - The nextflow script will take any number of samples with paired-end reads in FASTQ format, map reads using Bowtie2, process BAM files, and finally call variants using BCFtools v1.21 and/or Freebayes v1.3.6. If part of the...