Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-seq data (uses pseudoalignment for rapid determination of read compatibility with targets)
Software (C++)
Estimation of isoform abundances...
www.bcgsc.ca - NanoSim, a fast and scalable read simulator that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data and allows for adjustments upon improvement of nanopore sequencing technology. The first step of NanoSim is read characterization, which provides...
github.com - Breakpointer is a fast tool for locating sequence breakpoints from the alignment of single end reads (SE) produced by next generation sequencing (NGS). It adopts a heuristic method in searching for local mapping signatures created by...
samstat.sourceforge.net - SAMStat is an efficient C program to quickly display statistics of large sequence files from next generation sequencing projects. When applied to SAM/BAM files all statistics are reported for unmapped, poorly and accurately mapped reads...
msaprobs.sourceforge.net - MSAProbs is a well-established state-of-the-art multiple sequence alignment algorithm for protein sequences. The design of MSAProbs is based on a combination of pair hidden Markov models and partition functions to calculate posterior...
github.com - Kalign is a fast multiple sequence alignment program for biological sequences.
Align sequences and output the alignment in MSF format:
kalign -i BB11001.tfa -f msf -o out.msf
Align sequences and output the alignment in clustal format:
github.com - AccessSyRI: finding genomic rearrangements andlocal sequence differences from whole-genome assemblies
SyRI, a pairwise whole-genome comparison tool for chromosome-level assemblies. SyRI starts by finding rearranged regions and then searches for...
github.com - MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search and cluster huge protein and nucleotide sequence sets. MMseqs2 is open source GPL-licensed software implemented in C++ for Linux, MacOS, and (as beta version, via cygwin)...
www.science.org - The completed regions include all centromeric satellite arrays, recent segmental duplications, and the short arms of all five acrocentric chromosomes, unlocking these complex regions of the genome to variational and functional studies.