Cost-effective whole human genome sequencing has revolutionized the landscape of genetic research and personalized medicine by making comprehensive genetic analysis accessible to a wider population. Through advancements in sequencing technologies,... - STRUM is a method for predicting the fold stability change (ΔΔG) of protein molecules upon single-point nsSNP mutations. STRUM adopts a gradient boosting regression approch to train the Gibbs free-energy changes on a variety of features...
Genome Browser is the platform/database used for searching and retreiving sequences and annotation of genomes belong to various eukaryotes, prokaryotes, etc.
Following are the weblink for different available...
REU at Fordham University- Summer 2016
An NSF-funded REU to study Y-chromosome diversity and sex-biased dispersal in wild brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) is available in the Munshi-South Lab at Fordham University. Our lab is currently... - The presentations below were filmed during the March 2015 GATK Workshop, part of the BroadE Workshop series. At the time of this workshop, the current version of Broad’s Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) was version... - Determine the accuracy of our model by comparing the precision and recall of GATK Unified Genotyper and Haplotype Caller on the high-confidence SNPs of the NIST Ashkenazim trio and the two independent Platinum Genome trios. We show that our method... - Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs
Given benchmark and comparsion sets of SVs, calculate the recall, precision, and f-measure.
Spiral Genetics
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