Results for "No"


  • Jitendra Narayan

    About me: ...eline, and algorithms to harness the huge amount of biological data (genomes, epigenomes, transcriptomes, proteomes...ification-and-analysis-of-evolutionary-breakpoint-regions-in-amniote-genomes(57ec9f04-1029-4f53-a757-c6...Interests: Avian GenomicsInterests: Mammalian Genomics

    53 days ago

  • Mathew Potter

    About me: I am a trained bioinformatician from UK. My core area of interest are computation cancer genomics and bioinformatics software development.

    4098 days ago

  • +95 more Users




  • Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

    The Regular Expression are the sole of Perl language, and for bioinformatician it is just a magical stick to resolve gingatic string data. We did not find any good and user friendly...

    4098 days ago

  • Bioinformatics approach to Boar Taint

    ...tic trait called boar taint.Androstenone and Skatole in the fat...e boar taint. Metabolism of androstenone and sex steroids share a co...of a total of 47 samples belong to Norwegian Landrace (NL) and Duro...allele, functional and structural annotation, and repeats, etc. Sele...

    3935 days ago

  • +30 more Files

Discussion topics


  • Bio++ : C Language libraries for your biological need

    ...guage",C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success. While accidents...implementation language efficient enough to displace assembly langu...Support for codon models (including non-homogenous models),Tools for...lihood models.Virtually any kind of non-homogeneous model is support...

    4093 days ago

  • Ruby Language

    ...s written in C, as a single-pass interpreted language. There is currently no specification of the Ruby Reference Ruby Annotation

    4093 days ago

  • +30 more Pages

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...he National Center for Biotechnology Information's Bioinformat...ion: Bioinformatics derives knowledge from computer analysis...reas are the organisation of knowledge in databases, sequence...stematically compared to all known protein structures. Ab init...

    4093 days ago

  • BioProgramming

    The completion of the first human genome drafts was just a start of...g” (HT-NGS). The decreasing genome sequencing cost and desire...nderstand biological machanism at genomic level, speed up the genomi...However, sometime one language are not enough to handle all sort of...

    4093 days ago

  • +106 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Bioinformatics= Sequencing NOW or more? #Omics

    4096 days ago

  • Bacteria cause cancer @ #Cancer

    4086 days ago

  • +433 more Wire posts


  • Genomic Impact

    The ongoing genomic research in USA contributed $31 billion to the U.S. gross national product and helped support 152,000 jobs.  Reference:

    4098 days ago

  • PhylomeDB

    ...c trees and multiple sequence alignments. Moreover, phylomeDB provides genome-wide orthology and paralogy...t providing a high-quality phylogenetic analysis of different genomes , including Maximum Likeli...

    4064 days ago

  • +175 more News

Opportunity posts

  • 6 PhD Students @ TU Dresden seminar where they can meet internationally renowned researchers in the field,...ten English is required. Applicants with a good knowledge of software engineering...e participating professors. Candidates that have not yet finished their degree wh...

    4093 days ago

  • Research Associate(s)

    ...TITUTE OF HIMALAYAN BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (Council of Scientific a...PUR (H.P.)-176 061 Advertisement NO.14/2013 Applications/Bioda...ition: Research Associate (NGS). No. of Position(s) : One Stip...ate (Plant-Microbe Interaction). No. of Position(s) :'Two Stip...

    4090 days ago

  • +561 more Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts







  • Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics as a business, not to be confused with bioinformatics as a field of study, is at an interesting crossroads. As an academic branch of learning, bioinformatics remains...

    4098 days ago

  • Genome Hackers

    Genome Hackers

    ...alising. By taking a glass from which you have drunk, a "genome hacker" could obtain a comprehensive scan of your genome, revealing DNA variants tha...tional biologist or bioinformatician you hack the entire genome to understand the god's wri...

    4098 days ago

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