Results for "single molecule sequencing"


  • 700,000 year old horse!!!

    "Ludovic Orlando and Eske Willerslev , Centre for GeoGenetics have beaten sequencing of the ancient DNA record by about 10 times. In collaboration with Danish and international colleagues , they have able to record important genomic changes over the last 700.000 year...

    Tags: Horse, molecular clock, equids, single molecule sequencing

    3814 days ago

  • Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    SMS is now slowly gaining place in sequencing world, more and more scientists now keen to use SMS method to sequence molecules in comparatively less complex protocal and less time. One of most successful so far is SMRT from Pacbio and others will be flood the market soon and may be one day it rep...

    Tags: Single molecule Sequencing, nanopore, pacbio smrt, DNA

    3230 days ago