Results for "vcfR"


  • vcfR

    Most variant calling pipelines result in files containing large quantities of variant information. The variant call format (vcf) is an increasingly popular format for this data. The format of these files and their content is discussed in the vignette ‘vcf data.’ These files ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, vcfR, R, Visualization, VCF, Genome

    2807 days ago

  • vcfR: a package to manipulate and visualize VCF data in R

    VcfR is an R package intended to allow easy manipulation and visualization of variant call format (VCF) data. Functions are provided to rapidly read from and write to VCF files. Once VCF data is read into R a parser function extracts matrices from the VCF data for use with typical R functions. Th...

    Tags: vcfR, Tools, variant, call, format, files, BAM, plot

    2010 days ago