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Question: Question: Is there any database other than GEO ncbi, ncbi src database to get exome data??

Nadia Baig
3214 days ago

Question: Is there any database other than GEO ncbi, ncbi src database to get exome data??

Iam searching for the exome data for an eye disease "Glaucoma" obtained by next generation sequencing platform but unfortunately  i am not able to get that data. I have already searched ncbi SRC, GEO data sets of ncbi but no data is available. Is there any database other than these to get data in FASTQC format?? Or any article related to glaucoma where information about datasets is available.



Hi Nadia,

Did you have a look at http://evs.gs.washington.edu/EVS/ and http://www.1000genomes.org/data hope you will find exome of interest here.
