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Question: Question: What is the difference between data mining and text mining?

2850 days ago

Question: What is the difference between data mining and text mining?

In school the teachers refer to both terms as one, but according to what I have read they are not the same and don't use the same methologies so I am a bit confused.


As Data mining explain as a the "knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)" process. Anyway, this definition might mislead, because the goal of data mining is the extraction of patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data, not the extraction (mining) of data itself.

In text mining, data are unstructured texts or raw matter and are not strucred as meta-data (=features). Few informatician are in favour to rename it as "interactive linguistics" to avoid the confusion.

Hope helpful.

Yes it is very helpful, thanks.

Any 2850 days ago


Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information.