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Question: Question: How to resolve following error in MIRA?

2819 days ago

Question: How to resolve following error in MIRA?

Looking for files named in data ...Pushing back filename: "clean_a2017.R1.fq"
Could not determine filetype from data 'clean_Avaga2017.R1.fq' ("clean_a2017.R1.fq")
Pushing back filename: "clean_a2017.R2.fq"
Could not determine filetype from data 'clean_a2017.R2.fq' ("clean_a2017.R2.fq")

Fatal error (may be due to problems of the input data or parameters):

* Some 'data' entries named in the manifest file could not be verified, see *
* the log above. *
* Maybe some files are missing, not readable or there is a typo in the *
* manifest file? *


I think, MIRA is unable to termine the file format.

"Could not determine filetype from data 'clean_Avaga2017.R1.fq' ("clean_a2017.R1.fq")"

You should try renaming the *.fq to *.fastq , and re-run it again. Hope it gonna fix the error.