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By Jit 2961 days ago

The official documentation of the Perl 6 programming language is now published! Besides online browsing and searching, you can also view everything in one file or contribute by reporting mistakes or sending patches.


Language Reference & TutorialsA collection of documents describing, in detail, the various conceptual parts of the language.

Type ReferenceIndex of built-in classes and roles.

Routine ReferenceIndex of built-in subroutines and methods.

Perl 6 ProgramsA collection of documents describing how to run the Perl 6 executable program and other utilities, how to debug Perl 6 programs, and how to hack on Perl 6 source code. 

The Perl 6 homepage offers a comprehensive list of Perl 6 resources, including tutorials, how-tos and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

You may also be interested in the Perl 6 design documents, which are in some places more complete than this documentation, but targeted toward compiler writers rather than users of the language. Documentation for the different but related Perl 5 language can be found on the Perl 5 documentation website.

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