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  • Webinar on Fast and Accurate DNA Variant Calling on 26 Apr 2017

Webinar on Fast and Accurate DNA Variant Calling on 26 Apr 2017

Continuing our DNA-Seq webinar series, we'll present Strand NGS v3.0 best-practices: a workflow that identifies highly accurate variants from raw reads. Our best practices workflow is twice as fast as its GATK counterpart, and results in precision/recall rates of up to 99%/98% on whole exome and whole genome samples. We'll also speak briefly about some of the other features in v3.0 including one-shot pipelines, TSS plots, RNA-Seq performance improvements, and, for the first time, HGVS notations for SNP effect analysis.

Register here: http://www.strand-ngs.com/webinar_registration