ADVT. No. S/BIC/01/2014-15
Bose Institute, Kolkata, invites applications from Indian Citizens for ONE (01) temporary position of Junior Research Fellow in the DBT sponsored project entitled, “Centre of Excellance (CoE) in Bioinformatics at Bose...
I´m PhD in biomedical sciencie, and CEO of biomedical research (Research Centers in Nutrition and Health, from Spain), focus in genomic, specialy in nutrigenomic and nutrigenetics, epigentic and metagenomic. My research groups (4 in my company, and...
Applications are invited from qualified individuals for a JRF/SRF position (sponsored by DBT/DST) at Prof. Jagan Pongubala’s laboratory, University of Hyderabad. Dr. Pongubala’s laboratory is...
Category: opportunity:Jobs Salary: Rs. 14000 Condition: New By RAJESH DETROJA 3989 days ago
Jamia Millia Islamia ,inviting application for the post of Project Assistant Bioinformatics
Project entitled: “Role of small G-protein in Leishmania donovani infection”
Essential qualification: The candidates must be possessing Master Degree...
One profile of Computational/Systems Biology and Machine Learning at Postdoc level is needed at the Laboratory of Immunobiology of Neurological Disorders led by Cinthia Farina, Institute of Experimental Neurology, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano. The...