- Software package for signal-level analysis of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. Nanopolish can calculate an improved consensus sequence for a draft genome assembly, detect base modifications, call SNPs and indels with respect to a reference genome... - Modern genome sequencing technologies provide a succint measure of quality at each position in every read, however all of this information is lost in the assembly process. Referee summarizes the quality information from the reads that map to a site... - The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells.
Computational methods used by the Shasta assembler include:
Using... - genome simulation across a population with zeta-distributed allele frequency, snps, insertions, deletions, and multi-nucleotide polymorphisms
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./mutatrix -S sample -P test/ -p 2 -n 10 reference.fasta
The real bioinformatics scope lies if there are research labs which work in this field. One has to take account of that. If so then try to get information of those labs and visit them to get a hang of the work they pursue. For detail...
Short-term training/Final year dissertation project
Candidates desirous of doing a short-term training / final year dissertation project for MSc (Life Sciences/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology or any science discipline) at UIAR Biophysics and...
Clinical Development Services Agency (CDSA) is an extramural unit of Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CDSA has a national mandate... - MetaPred2CS Web server is a meta-predictor based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) that combines 6 individual sequence based protein-protein interaction prediction methods to predict prokaryotic two-component...